While I was walking the other day, I found myself looking for places to live if I was homeless, Being a person who knows what it feels to struggle I just couldn't even to begin to understand how it would feel to sleep rough or in this horrible weather.
I am grateful for a roof and I pray I never have to endure such struggle
But an idea came to me to write a book based on a man that loses
Everything and ends up on the
Streets, and when I'm finished I am going to make sure that 10%
Of the books bought will go to
Benefit the homeless in someway.
I just want to give back, I've
Volunteered at a shelter already (in the past) so
I'm craving to do things my way without the permission of anyone which I found hard at the shelter.
This will be my mission! But I must
Get this book going, I wrote a little
But hope to get laptop soon as my pc is shot.